Monday, January 5, 2015

Casual Cashmere

Hello lovlies,
Another day in Philadelphia. Spent the day at the Franklin Institute and exploring an old church. Found a cute little coffee shop across from City Hall, got to warm up and do some reading. Today I wore my old cashmere sweater and a flannel to keep it simple. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My New Years Resolutions

1. Drink More Water

This is my only health related resolution. Although I should probably make more of an effort to exercise I have decided not to include it in my resolutions as I wanted to remain realistic in my selection. I used a chart on Slender Kitchen to determine that I should drink 94 ounces of water a day. So my plan is to fill up my water bottles with this amount of water each day so I can keep track. There are also apps which will help remind you to drink water, I decided to download Daily Free Water Reminder. Every year around winter time my skin goes absolutely insane. It dries out and breaks out all over. I'm hoping that my higher water intake will help with that.

2. Give Myself More Time In The Morning
I love mornings when I have time to get ready slowly, make some breakfast, and sip some coffee while I catch up on the news. If you are like me, these mornings are rare. They usually only occur when I have nothing to do the next day. So I want to give myself an hour or two each morning to relax and get completely ready for my day.

3. Read The Newspaper
I have never been good about keeping up with current events. As I have gotten older it has become increasingly more important that I am aware of what is going on in the world. As I continue on in higher education it is becoming vital that I am aware of these issues. I decided to download different new apps onto my phone but I can also read them on my computer. Finally, being able to converse intelligently about current events is very prep.

4. Keep Up With Friends
I am so terrible at this. Since I am going abroad it is more important than ever that I make more of an effort to keep up with people. I suck at returning calls, texts, and messages. So while I am away I have decided to challenge myself to talk to all of mu close friends at least once every two weeks. I need to make more of an effort to reach out.

5. Work Harder
Although I do work hard already, and I worked particularly hard this last semester, I might as well keep it up! School will be easier when I am abroad and I will not have a job, as I usually do, so I hope to work hard on my blog and learn how to improve the formatting, content, and the editing of my videos during my spar time!

6. Reading Challenge
This is my favorite resolution. Before I started college I read a lot. This is a habit I lost once I started college. Perhaps it was that I was more invested in my classes or maybe it was because of my constantly growing social calendar. Sometime last year I pinned the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge. As I was always a huge fan of the show and I wanted to pick up my habit again I decided to take this challenge with the new year. I have read some of the books on this list but the majority I haven't, which is a shame because they are classics. I will be trying to read a book a week and hopefully I will be able to do monthly reviews in my favorites videos. Check out the Rory Gilmore reading challenge here

7. Be Present
This resolution is very broad but essentially I need to get off my phone. Not only does is distract from observing what is going on around me but it is also rude. Technology is fine, as long as it is being used at the right time.

8. Let It Go
I am a worrier and a stresser. I am the type of person who cannot let it go until I know that everything is going to be ok. So this year I need to learn to let it go. It doesn't matter what happened I need to remember that it will all be ok. You can only control so much of your life, there is a certain point where you must let allow whatever is going to happen, happen. Beyond that you must have to faith and confidence in yourself to face whatever life throws at you.

9. Keep Up With My Blog
If you are reading this (which I hope some people are), you know that I am new to this. Right now I love it. I love styling outfits, writing posts, and filming videos. It will be a lot harder to keep up with it once I am in France, but I think that is the most important time to use it! I hope you all keep up with my travels abroad!

10. Go On More Adventures
At the end of this month I am going to embark on the biggest adventure of my life. I am moving to a foreign country, to live with a family I do not know, and I will be traveling alone to places I have never been. I want to take every opportunity that is presented to me while I am over there, no hesitations. I will be spontaneous and open minded. What could be a bigger adventure than experiencing a new culture?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Having a Maritime in Philadelphia

Hello beauties,
I visited the Philadelphia art museum on my second day in the city and had a wonderful time. Being in this cold weather has given me the chance to play with layers. Hope you enjoyed my post, check back or subscribe for more prep inspired styles. 
